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10:26 AM

► Add Live Traffic on your Website

Posted by Jansen Norico

This is a tutorial on how you can add a "Live Traffic Tracking Tool" on your website from Pls. take note also that you can add this tool also on your other website. With this tracking tool, you can now view all your visitors from all over the world who viewed and visited your site.

for user: To add widgets on your site, follow all these simple steps below:

  1. Login to with your ID.

  2. At the dashboard, click Layout.

  3. Click Page Element tab.

  4. Click Add a Gadget.

  5. Select HTML/Javascript.

  6. Then copy and paste the following code below:

  7. Click SAVE CHANGES button.

  8. Done! Now you can view all your visitors all over the world.

Note: If you want to use this tool on other site, pls. copy the code and paste it on your site's HTML codings.